It’s very normal to worry when buying a house. With such a big purchase there will always be thoughts in the back of your mind about whether it is the right decision.
First time buyers especially ask us how they will know that they have found the right home. As a general rule, it should be a decision that you won’t feel pushed into by anyone, especially by your Realtor.
It should be a decision that feels right to you and, in many cases, you will “just know” and may not even be able to explain why!
If you’re still wondering if a home is right for you, here are some ways you may be able to tell:
Curb appeal is a real thing! From the moment you pull up to the house you will want to go inside and explore. Something outside the property is inviting you in and welcoming you to your potential new home.
As you look at the different properties on a street, this one stands out to you above the rest and makes you want to see more.
Once you are in the property someone may say something about a certain aspect and you find yourself defending it. This shows that you are already becoming possessive and want to defend any flaw you may see. This is a great sign that a property is the one.
If you walk into the living room and immediately see where the sofa will go and the perfect place to put your favourite picture, then this might be your house.
Maybe you’re exploring the bedrooms and can imagine just the right drapes and colour for a feature wall, these are all great signs and you should follow your gut.
When you start your property search we always advise you to outline your needs and wants. This is a list of your essential requirements and things that would be nice to have.
If the property meets the majority of your essential needs then you should already be seriously considering it. The important thing about your needs and wants is that it is completely objective and if you are worried about only “following your gut” then this will provide those logical assurances you need to make a decision.
All of the other properties you have seen no longer appeal to you. This is by far your favourite and you feel that there is no need to carry on looking.
This is a great sign that you have found the perfect home because not only do you like it, you like it enough to stop searching. There couldn’t possibly be another place out there that could even compare to this.
As you are looking round you start thinking about telling your friends and family about the property. We often see prospective buyers taking pictures on their phone and sending them to friends as they explore each room.
Getting excited about a home shows that you are falling in love with it and it really is the right place for you.
We hope this helps in your search for the right home, but if you have any questions about buying a property in Whistler, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our agents.