A: I was raised in Pemberton! My Great Grandfather moved to Pemberton.
A: I love the small town feel, and appreciate the international influence and amenities offered in both Whistler and Vancouver. Just the sense of community as well, makes it a really special place.
A: I started as a conveyance secretary in 2002, became an agents assistant in 2004, and in 2008 I became a full time agent.
A: It’s important to always take your time and look for the right fit for you. Get a feel for the area and find an agent that understands your needs and can work hard to find the perfect property for you.
A: Pemberton is your typical small BC town with a twist. It’s a small town but it has a strong international influence, a thriving first nations community and is a destination unto itself. It has a much less transient population than that of Whistler. When you go to the grocery store you know everyone and it has more of a laid back pace.
A: My favourite thing is just getting to meet new people and help them achieve their goals.
A: I’ve asked myself this so many times and I really can’t think of anything I’d rather be. I suppose I would work with children – many years ago I worked at the Pemberton’s Children’s Centre and I have great memories.
A: One of the things I love most about Pemberton is having the four distinct seasons, but if I had to choose I would have to say fall… or maybe summer. How can you choose?
A: My son and my husband! They are my comic relief.
A: It’s so great raising a family here. There is a standing joke that there is something in the water – when you move to Pemberton you get a dog and then start a family – not necessarily in that order!
There are so many families here that there is always something going on and you have so much in common with your neighbours. It’s a very family orientated and youthful community.
A: It is the same but different. It was more secluded than it is now and was mainly a farming and forestry town. We knew every neighbour and most people had been here for generations. It felt like a very small town then, it was very safe and there was always someone to watch out for you. I still consider Pemberton very safe now.
A: We like to go to Birkenhead Lake. We have a family cabin there and it’s the perfect place to go and unwind and spend time together.
A: I am proud of the success I have had in my business. I started in a really tough market and I’ve worked hard to get where I am and be self-sufficient. I think much of that is attributed to how much I love my job.
Also, finding a balance between my career and being the best mother that I can. Both are hard jobs but I seem to be pulling it off!
A: It’s an amazing community in one of the most beautiful settings in the world!
Find out more about Danielle and view her listings HERE.